Snowy drives notwithstanding...
We rocked Minneapolis last night with Buffalo Tom at the historic First Avenue...why historic, you might ask? Well, it's the location where part of Prince's "Purple Rain" was once filmed. Not to mention, everyone from Death Cab to NIN to Wilco has played there. All around fantastic venue, great crew, and, of course, everyone had the "Minnesota Nice" accent - which was exciting for the for Central Texans.
I'll keep this post short, as Lang, Doug, and Sonny are sleeping - but I wanted to add some video and photo footage for ya'll, to give you more images, sights, and sounds of the road, as we see them. Granted, we're novice video makers at best, and trying to do this all with an oft-dodgy wireless card in rural Wisconsin is, well, challenging.
Lang is feeling better, though, and everyone is looking forward to a day off in Chicago (starts with a "C", ends with an "O", and in the middle, there is a "HI-CAG") tomorrow. I'm sure we'll be watching the SuperBowl, though we'll show no particular patronage. One of our managers is from Boston, the other, a born and bred New Yorker - so, the band will stay neutral.
Go Giants...
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