Monday, August 9, 2010

guitars and guests

I wish I had a smart phone. Or a 'smarter' phone at least... one with a decent camera. One that I could take real photos with and post them on the internet for all the world to see. Alas... perhaps one day soon, but until then I will cling to my ancient flip phone with worn out keys, and text my life away in T9.

I wish I had such a phone so I could take a photo of the mess that is the FOLSUR studio right now. Guitars and effects pedals are strewn across the control room with amps in every corner keeping keyboards and other toys company. Cables. Cables. And more cables. Today was a fun filled day of cutting guitars for the new record 'Where My Communist Hear Meets My Capitalist Mind.' Tracking is progressing very well... 7 of 10 tracks are fully complete, and the 3 remaining, while having a heavy amount of work in front of them are defined with vision... we know where these are going. At least in this very moment we know... it might very well change (it always does)... but for now, there is a vision and we are chasing it.

My favorite chain of toys today... gibson les paul classic (with a classic 59 pickup installed in the bridge) through VHT valvulator (for line buffering), through fulldrive bass drive (for overdrive), through line 6 DL4 (for slap back delay), through xotic effects RC Boost (for well... thunderous goodness), through Dunlop Jimi Hendrix octave fuzz (for you guessed it, octave fuzz), through Boss RV 3 reverb/delay (for an oversaturated and lush verb), through a Sewell Texaplex 25, through a Top Hat 2x12 extension cab (loaded with Celestion Vintage 30's). That is for all the guitar folk out there who just might wanna know.

I also spent the evening listening through some tracks that a very special (and for the time being very secret) guest sent over our way... her voice is amazing, angelic and inspiring. I cannot wait to place her parts in the mix of this song... it's going to be lovely, just lovely.


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